Atomic Force Microscopy
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) uses the intermolecular forces between a sharp-tipped probe (typical radius of curvature is below 10nm) and the surface of the sample to produce an image.
AFM operates in two basic modes, contact and tapping modes. The contact mode is commonly used for force mapping while tapping mode is commonly used for topography characterisation.
However, Rubber Consultants have the capability of simultaneous mapping of the topography and the nanomechanical properties. This is performed in the amplitude modulation and frequency modulation mode (AM-FM) which measures tip-sample contact stiffness, loss tangent, and calculates elastic modulus (E’) using the Hertz model.
Moreover, we also have ability to investigate changes in surface morphology under strain by using the Nanorack Sample Stretching Stage. The Nanorack Sample Stretching Stage is fully integrated into the AFM software, and provides sensitive and accurate records of force-extension data that can be converted into stress-strain curves for samples of suitable geometry.

- 3D surface imaging and roughness analysis
- Filler location in polymer blends
- Nanomechanical mapping of viscoelastic properties of polymers and polymer blends
- Characterization of surface morphology under strain
- Force(indentation) mapping with high spatial resolution
- Visualisation of polymer-filler interface in rubber compounds